Copy & Paste your Code Here

Preview your table

Example Code

        <th>Roll No.</th>
        <td>John Doe</td>
        <td>Jane Doe</td>

Convert HTML Table to Excel [Xls/CSV] and Text [txt]

Convert Html table code into Excel and even into a txt file. Export your Html to XLS (Excel workbook), Html to CSV (Comma-Separated Values), Html to txt (Text).

Convert HTML Table to Excel [Xls/CSV] and Text [txt]
Export Html to Excel

About this Html to Excel Converter

Hello, and welcome to everyone on my HTML to Excel converter. Recently I was having a problem with converting my HTML code into an excel file. We searched the whole internet and found nothing which can help me. So here, We are with the converter that can convert your Html code into an Excel file.

Convert your HTML table code into Excel and even into a text file.

What do I mean by Exporting or Converting your HTML into Excel FIle

  • Html to Xls (Excel workbook)
  • Html to CSV (Comma-Separated Values)
  • Html to txt (Text)

HTML to Excel Converter free download

Yes, you heard it well. You can download your Excel file for free, whether it be in Xls or CSV, even you can download the text file for free.

How to use this HTML to excel converter

First of all, you need to have the HTML table code with html5 format. Don’t worry if you have any trouble with html5 go to the given an example and check the form of how your Code should look like before exporting it.
Check the example

After getting the code in the given format, copy and paste it to the text area and click Upload your code.

After uploading it, you can preview your table.

If everything is correct Export your Excel file, we will recommend you to export it in CSV file. For device compatibilities.